Perhaps you’ve recently envied a co-worker when you spotted a nice, neat-looking, flat-panel monitor sitting snugly on their desk. Or perhaps you’ve gawked at the sharpness of a flat-panel monitor the last time you visited your neighborhood electronics store. However you may have come across a flat-panel monitor, you’ve probably joined the ranks of computer users that have become infatuated with owning one. I’ve been fortunate to review three such monitors and I must say that it’ll be hard to ever go back to some huge, hulking monster of a monitor after this experience.
Flat-panel monitors are definitely the rage, and definitely will be the future of computer displays. When I say “flat-panel” monitor, I am distinguishing it from a monitor that simply uses “flat technology.” “Flat-panels” are the very thin monitors with an attached base. A monitor using “flat technology” is the same size and has the same appearance as a regular monitor; it’s just that it has a flattened display screen as opposed to the common curved screen. (The flat screen reduces glare.) Both types of monitors are sometimes referred to by the same names of “flatscreen” or “flat-panel.”
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