The FlyLight is perfect for any location where you’re using your laptop and need a little extra light. Plug one end into the USB port on your laptop computer and position the FlyLight’s flexible neck. It can reach around your laptop to shine on your keyboard, or it can be turned to the side if you need a small reading light for your magazines or files.
The FlyLight is just a small LED that uses less than 90 seconds of your laptop’s battery charge per hour (if you’re running on your battery, of course). This is an almost negligible drain on your laptop battery, but you’ll want to keep an eye on the power consumption just to be safe.
I thoroughly enjoy using this product. The flexible neck is ingenious, and it stays put regardless of how you twist it around. The light is just enough for seeing your keyboard in the dark, whether you’re at home, on a plane or just locked up in a dark closet.
The FlyFan is based on the same concept — the fan is placed on the end of the same stay-put flexible neck, while the other end plugs into your USB port. The blades of the FlyFan are small pieces of nylon which turn out to be totally harmless to your fingers or your face if you should come in to contact with the spinning fan. There is no on-and-off switch on the FlyFan; you just simply plug it in and it runs.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to test a beach or pool scenario with the FlyFan, but I imagine that it would come in handy in exotic, sunny locations. When I’m hot, I point the FlyFan toward my face. Other times I have the FlyFan pointing down toward my laptop to make sure my little computer is staying cool.
I am thrilled with both of these nifty little products. They’re easy to use, require no software or installation instructions, and work perfectly.
The FlyLight
$19.99 pro_mob_d1334.html
The FlyFan
$24.99 pro_mob_d1471.html
For you laptop users who only have one USB port on your computer, you will probably be interested in two other products from Kensington — the PocketHUB ( pro_mob_d1469.html) and the Pocket KeyPad ( pro_mob_d1470.html).
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