Adams and Reese
New Orleans
Participatingoffices:Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Birmingham; Houston; Jackson, Mississippi; Mobile; NewOrleans
Number of respondents: 24 (75% response rate)
Firmwide score: 4.310 (rank: 129)
(Score is on a 1-to-5 scale, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being thehighest; rank is based on 159 firms.)
How the firm rated on key scoring questions:
Interesting work: 4.33
How much “real” work was assigned: 4.63
Training and guidance: 4.00
Partner�summer associate interactions: 4.25
Full-time associate�summer associate interactions: 4.38
How well firm communicates its goals and expectations: 4.13
How accurately the firm portrayed itself during interviews: 4.61
Inclination to accept a full-time associateship: 4.17
Overall rating as a place to work: 4.29
More about the work:
Amount of work: 4.38
Level of responsibility: 4.54
Amount of client contact: 3.08
Amount of feedback: 3.54
Opportunities for mentoring: 4.17
Opportunities for pro bono work: 2.79
Average pay per week: $1,390
Average hours worked per week: 42.4
What the firm’s culture is like:
(Respondents were asked to indicate if the following traits described theirfirm or their experience, on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “stronglydisagree” and 5 being “strongly agree.”)
Family-friendly: 4.38
Entrepreneurial: 4.21
Makes efforts toward diversity: 4.17
Attorneys would be enjoyable to work with: 4.50
Attorneys seem to enjoy working with each other: 4.58
Financial information is made available: 3.42
Felt comfortable asking in-depth financial questions: 3.64
Got a sense of the firm’s mission: 4.29
Felt confidence in the firm’s leadership: 4.54
Firm seemed the right size: 4.29
Humane approach to billable hours: 4.25
Firm did a good job of communicating about job prospects: 4.17
Dress code (1=formal; 5=informal): 3.63
Pleasant space and d�cor: 4.54
Percent who expect or have received a job offer from this firm: 69.6%
Score they gave this firm’s prestige as compared to other firms: 4.17
What they said surprised them most: A real look into the life of alawyer. How much I liked the people. I was treated like a real associate.
How they would describe the firm to other law students: A great place towork. A sociable firm with a lot to offer. Underrated and extremely competitive.
Most memorable experience: The laughs during and after work. Watchingarguments for summary judgment. Getting to know the people there.
If they could tell the firm to change one thing: More feedback from somepartners on some projects. Get more people involved with the summer associateson a regular basis. Hire 1L’s.
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