Why is there a need for a mind meld between the generations of attorneys within a firm? Those who have to ask that question are probably from the Mature Generation and think that the way things were done then is the way things should be done today. Lawyers need to move on from that premise if they want to fulfill clients’ goals by continuing to offer quality, timely and cost-effective service. These are just as important today as they were “in the beginning.”
The widely used designations for the generations typically found at law firms today are as follows: The Mature Generation: born 1925-1945; The Baby Boomers: 1946-1964; Generation X: 1965-1981; and Generation Y: 1982-2003. Every generation has its own way of achieving these goals, and, while a seamless approach to change would be ideal, it is as unrealistic as the mind meld.
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