The first set of deadlines for the new, national American Lawyer Awards are approaching, with opportunities to honor new categories of constituents across the legal industry who are making great strides in helping the profession maintain excellent service while also bringing the industry to new heights.

In this first round of awards, there are opportunities to honor business professionals within law firms, mentors in law firms and law departments, the best alternative legal services providers, examples of legal innovation and creative uses of technology along with our lifetime achievement awards, distinguished law firm leaders award and the new category for attorney of the year.

More information on these categories is detailed below, and also can be accessed in our listing of the full set of honors that will be bestowed throughout the year. The deadline for this first set of awards is Monday, April 16. Please email me at [email protected] or Pear Wu at [email protected] with any questions or needs for extensions.

First Round of Honors: Submissions Deadline April 16

Best Business Team Award

Who Should Apply: Am Law 200/Global 100 Firms Only

Award Description: The role of the business professional within a law firm is growing in number and importance. This award honors those teams that have been allowed to, and have had, an identifiable impact on their organization, from how it is run to the client work they have brought in and anything in between. It covers their work from January 2016 through the present.

Materials required: A brief description (no more than two pages) of who is part of the business team, how they are empowered to make an impact on their organization and how they have done so. Any data to support their efforts is encouraged. Client testimonials or other supporting documents are also welcome. A Word, Google or PDF document is accepted.

Submit to[email protected] with “The American Lawyer Awards Best Business Team” in the subject line.

Finalists Announced: TBA by the Fall

Winner Announced: At the awards dinner in December 2018

Best Mentor: Law Firm

Who Should Apply: Any lawyer or staff professional within an Am Law 200/Global 100 firm.

Award Description: This award will honor someone who has dedicated a significant portion of their time and energy to mentoring younger professionals. This could be demonstrated through the lawyer or professional's deep commitment to an individual or through mentoring a litany of younger professionals over their career.

Materials required: A brief description (no more than two pages) of how the lawyer has shown his or her dedication to mentoring.This award has no time parameters for when the mentoring was done. Please include specific examples of mentoring and anything that shows its impact. Testimonials from mentees are welcome. A Word, Google or PDF document is accepted.

Submit to[email protected] with “The American Lawyer Awards Best Mentor Law Firm” in the subject line.

Finalists Announced: TBA by the Fall

Winner Announced: At the awards dinner in December 2018

Best Mentor: In-House Legal Department

Who Should Apply: Any lawyer or staff professional working in an in-house legal department.

Award Description: This award will honor someone who has dedicated a significant portion of their time and energy to mentoring younger professionals. This could be demonstrated through the lawyer or professional's deep commitment to an individual or through mentoring a litany of younger professionals over their career.

Materials required: A brief description (no more than two pages) of how the lawyer has shown his or her dedication to mentoring.This award has no time parameters for when the mentoring was done. Please include specific examples of mentoring and anything that shows its impact. Testimonials from mentees are welcome. A Word, Google or PDF document is accepted.

Submit to[email protected] with “The American Lawyer Awards Best Mentor In-house” in the subject line.

Finalists Announced: TBA by the Fall

Winner Announced: At the awards dinner in December 2018

Legal Services Innovation Award

Who Should Apply: Any Am Law 200/Global 100 law firm

Award Description: This award is given to a law firm that has made significant strides in the last two years (2016 and 2017) to innovate how it delivers legal services. This could be through an impactful individual program run through a certain practice area or firmwide, to a full revamping of the firm's processes. This award will honor a law firm that has changed the way it does business to better deliver value to the client.

Materials required: A brief description (no more than two pages) of how the firm demonstrated true innovation to its legal services delivery model. Supporting documents are allowed. Any data to show the impact of the innovation is encouraged. Client testimonials are also welcome. A Word, Google or PDF document is accepted.

Submit to: [email protected] with “The American Lawyer Awards Legal Services Innovation” in the subject line

Finalists Announced: TBA by the Fall

Winner Announced: At the awards dinner in December 2018


Best Use of Technology Award

Who Should Apply: Any Am Law 200/Global 100 law firm

Award Description: This award, which is different from our Legal Services Innovation award, is focused on the implementation of technology within a law firm to either improve the delivery of legal services, improve efficiency in internal or client-facing operations, improve work-life balance, etc.

Materials required: A brief description (no more than two pages) of how technology was implemented in the last two years (since early 2016) to improve life at the firm or for clients, with any data to support the technology's impact and efficacy. Internal or external testimonials are welcome. Also explain whether this technology was developed internally or externally. Supporting documentation is accepted. A Word, Google or PDF document is accepted.

Submit to: [email protected] with “The American Lawyer Awards Best Use of Technology” in the subject line

Finalists Announced: TBA by the Fall

Winner Announced: At the awards dinner in December 2018

Best Alternative Legal Services Provider Award

Who Should Apply: Any provider of legal services outside of the traditional law firm model.

Award Description: This award will honor a player in the alternative legal services space that has made a significant impact since Jan. 1, 2017, on how legal services were delivered.

Materials required: A brief (no more than two pages) description of why your organization has made an impact in the ALSP space, including concrete examples and any data that supports the impact the organization has had. Client testimonials are welcome. A Word, Google or PDF document is accepted. Supporting materials are also accepted.

Submit to[email protected] with “The American Lawyer Awards Best Alternative Legal Services Provider” in the subject line.

Finalists Announced: TBA by the Fall

Winner Announced: At the awards dinner in December 2018

Attorney of the Year Award

Who Should Apply: Any attorney from any part of the legal industry, whether it be law firm, in-house legal department, public interest, government, education or elsewhere, that has made a profound impact in the profession or community. Tenure in the profession is irrelevant to this award.

Award Description: This award goes beyond success in their practice, but rather honors a lawyer who has perhaps changed an area of law, reshaped their institution or an industry, accomplished something of great public service or otherwise made a lasting impact within the time frame for this award, which is January 2017 through the submission deadline.

Materials required: Please submit no more than one page describing why this individual is deserving of the esteemed honor, giving detailed explanations of how they had such a significant impact in the last year. A Word, Google or PDF document is acceptable.

Submit to[email protected] with “The American Lawyer Awards Attorney of the Year” in the subject line

Finalists Announced: TBA by the Fall

Winner Announced: At the awards dinner in December 2018

Lifetime Achievement Award

Who Should Apply: Nominees can come from all corners of the legal profession, whether it be a law firm, in-house legal department, government, public interest, education, alternative legal service providers, etc. They should be nearing the end of their career.

Award Description: The distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award will honor those professionals who have left an indelible mark on the legal profession through their substantive area of work as well as a strong public service component, whether that be through government work, diversity and inclusion efforts or some other form of public service. This is an elite award and the bar is set high. We will honor no more than seven individuals.

Materials required: No more than one page describing why this individual deserves this highly selective honor. Describe their work and public service and how it has left a mark on the profession. A Word, Google or PDF document is accepted.

Submit via email[email protected] with “The American Lawyer Awards Lifetime Achievement” in the subject line.

Winners Announced: August 2018

Law Firm Distinguished Leader Award

Who Should Apply: A current or former law firm managing partner, chair or other firmwide leader nearing the end of their career.

Award Description: This award is given to someone who has transformed their firm and whose leadership will leave its mark well beyond their tenure.

Materials required: No more than one page describing how the individual has changed and improved their firm in a meaningful way. A Word, Google or PDF document is accepted.

Submit to[email protected] with “The American Lawyer Awards Law Firm Distinguished Leader” in the subject line

Winner Announced: August 2018