A mother from Honduras holds her 1-year-old child as she surrenders to U.S. Border Patrol agents after illegally crossing the border. Photo: David J. Phillip/AP Hogan Lovells South Texas Family Residential Center I didn't fully appreciate the chaos that's taking place in those governments that's a llowing these gangs to take over these countries," Roma said.  Without Hesitation The Hogan Lovells team. Back row: April Wimberley, Tony Ufkin, Tyler Blake, Gladys Cata, Sam Dietle, Allison Wuertz, and Gary Kushner; middle row: Josh Press, T. Weymouth, Akash Patel, Hillary Neger, Annika Lichtenbaum, Allison Hellreich, and Amy Roma; front row: Nick Eckstein, and Zuzanna Knypinski. "This experience is really personal to me. As bad as I have it, it is nothing compared to the plight of these women and children coming to the border and asking for help," he said. "I told [Hogan Lovells partner] T. it was the single most important thing I'd done in my entire life." Without hesitation, the CEO and the management committee said, 'We need to do whatever's necessary to support this effort,'" Weymouth said.  No Tapping Out Dilley Pro Bono Project American Immigration Lawyers Association American Immigration Council Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc. "There was no tapping out," Weymouth said. "It wasn't like you could say, 'I've got to get out of here. I need a break.'" Hitting a Wall I can't think of anything better to do on a Friday night than welcome this woman to Boston and give her hope, which she hasn't had in five years," she said.  Read More: Here's How Litigators are Pushing Back Against Trump's Border Policy Big Law Rushes to Reunite Families Separated under Trump's Immigration Policy