Jones Day sign Jones Day sign.

Wendy Moore, the former Jones Day partner who sued the firm last year claiming that its black box pay system led to gender disparities, has dismissed all claims according to the firm.

Moore sued the firm in June 2018, claiming that it operates as a “fraternity.” The suit alleged that Jones Day violated California's equal pay law and Labor Code through “systematic gender discrimination in compensation.” Moore also asserted that the firm retaliated against her after she spoke up within Jones Day about gender bias issues.

A spokesman for Jones Day said Monday that Moore “has now dismissed all of her claims against Jones Day in exchange for return of the capital that she previously contributed to the Firm.”

Moore, who advises on executive compensation matters as a partner in the Palo Alto office of Perkins Coie, referred a request for comment to Sanford Heisler Sharp, the firm which filed suit on Moore's behalf in San Francisco Superior Court last year. Though an outside spokesperson, Sanford declined to comment Monday afternoon.

Even with the resolution of Moore's lawsuit, Jones Day still faces a separate gender discrimination lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington, D.C., earlier this year. Nilab Rahyar Tolton and Andrea Mazingo, who worked as associates in Jones Day's Irvine office, sued the firm along with four unnamed former Jones Day associates in a proposed $200 million gender discrimination class action against the firm in April.

The federal lawsuit, also filed by counsel at  Sanford Heisler, made claims similar to Moore's about Jones Day's firm culture. Jessica Jardine Wilkes, an associate at Jones Day from October 2014 to September 2016 who is now product counsel at Facebook, asked to join the federal lawsuit as an additional named plaintiff earlier this month.