K&L Gates sign Photo: Diego M. Radzinschi/ALM

K&L Gates has rolled out a flex-time program aimed to smooth out an attorney’s reintegration after an extended leave. The announcement comes as big law firms look to gain an upper-hand in the battle for talent by offering generous leave policies and benefits.

“Ramp Down, Ramp Up, & Re-Integration,” allows attorneys to have reduced hourly requirements shortly before they go on leave and for up to three months after they come back. A re-integration team composed of the office managing partner, a human resources staffer and another colleague works with the attorney before, during and after the leave.

The policy originated out of the firm’s global associate and Women in the Profession committees before going up before the management committee to receive final approval in June.

Cindy Ohlenforst, a Dallas tax partner and head of the women in the profession committee, said that the group wrestled with whether or not the policy should apply to all extended leave or only parental leave.

“We thought carefully about who it would apply to, and we decided it should apply to everyone who’s taking a leave. It’s not just limited to moms and dads,” she said.

The broad application, Ohlenforst said, speaks to the mission of the policy, which is to take the stress out of returning from an extended leave regardless of the reason. More than 100 K&L Gates attorneys have taken an approved, planned leave in the last year.

“It recognizes that if I’m coming back after having a baby or surgery I will not automatically come back to my mid-trial work,” Ohlenforst said. “I’ll ease back in, and it takes away some of the stress.”

K&L Gates is not the first firm to roll out a flex-time policy. In recent years, there has been a push to expand benefits for attorneys, especially associates, as firms look to differentiate themselves in a competitive talent market.

“This program makes sure we’re updated and doing what we need to do to attract and retain the best and brightest,” said K&L Gates’ global managing partner James Segerdahl.

Reed Smith unveiled a similar program two weeks ago as part of an overall attorney perks package. Other large firms, such as Greenberg Traurig and Duane Morris, also offer part-time schedules.

“The quality of a practice, the culture of a law firm, the recognition of some of the realities of life—that’s what this policy is designed to do,” Segerdahl said. “All of those things are important to recruit and train talent.”

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