Credit: Jon Valk

In many respects, 2019 was a good year for the Am Law 100. Gross revenue ticked up 5%, revenue per lawyer climbed 3%, and profits per equity partner climbed 5%. But by this spring, 2019 already felt like a snapshot of another lifetime. As Big Law does its best to navigate the coronavirus crisis, this year's Am Law 100 report contemplates how last year's numbers will affect the way firms manage throughout 2020—and what next year's numbers could look like when all is said and done.

The Am Law 100 report includes details on all the numbers for every firm: gross revenue, revenue per lawyer, profits per equity partner, average partner compensation, profits per lawyer and more. And we take you behind the numbers with in-depth features on law firm mergers, compensation systems, pension plans and the Super Rich.

Credit: Kevin Fales

By David Thomas

After a 5% increase in gross revenue and 3% growth in revenue per lawyer, the Am Law 100 were in a good place at the start of 2020. Then a global pandemic started. Now what?.

Credit: Kevin Fales

By Hugh A. Simons

Profitability growth has varied markedly by compensation system over the past decade, while partner satisfaction has been consistent across all systems. The choice of compensation system is thus best thought of as a critical strategy decision.