Fun fact: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) is four years older than me. It was signed into law on July 26, 1990 (for the naysayers who say you didn't have enough time to get your buildings and workplaces to be compliant, you have had enough time for me to exist and be a few years out of law school. You probably work with lawyers who were born in 1990. That's plenty of time). 

The ADA is possibly the biggest achievement of the modern disability rights movement, covering a wide array of situations and places, such as employment, state and local government services, public places and spaces, telecommunications, and more. Under the ADA, individuals with disabilities have the right to participate in our communities, and can receive reasonable accommodations at work, school, and in various activities. It's a huge victory, especially for members of "Generation ADA" like me—those of us who actually grew up after the law's passage and grew up with the right to pursue our dreams.