Each week, the Law.com Barometer newsletter, powered by the ALM Global Newsroom and Legalweek brings you the trends, disruptions, and shifts our reporters and editors are tracking through coverage spanning every beat and region across the ALM Global Newsroom. The micro-topic coverage will not only help you navigate the changing legal landscape but also prepare you to discuss these shifts with thousands of legal leaders at Legalweek New York 2022. Held in-person January 31- February 3, 2022, Legalweek is the one place where the entire legal profession gathers to explore topics and strategies tailored specifically to their roles and gain the tools to get legal business done. Registration now open.

The Shift: The Pandemic Changed What the Next Generation of Attorneys Are Learning

The COVID-19 pandemic didn't just force law firms and corporate legal departments to adjust to a world of remote work and new technology—law students across the country too faced a whole new environment.