In the days since Russia's invasion of Ukraine captured the world's attention, the legal industry has been forced to respond. Whether that has meant law firms shuttering offices to protect employees, cutting ties with state-owned clients in Russia, stepping up to offer pro bono assistance to refugees, or tangling with the potential ramifications of their relationships in the region, the reactions have come quickly in many cases. As The American Lawyer and report on the various impacts of the unfolding conflict on law firms and lawyers, we will update this page with the latest.

Partner, Industry Have Strong Words After Norton Rose Seeks Silence on Ukraine Sanctions

A memo from the firm's global leadership instructed lawyers to refrain from commenting about Russia and Ukraine. But the chair of the firm's Canadian arm took to social media, stating unequivocally that all partners and colleagues should speak out.

Here Are the Biggest Global Legal Advisers to Russia's Major State-Owned Companies