There are 208 law firms listed below, most of them ranked in the Am Law 200. The firms are ordered by diversity score, which takes into account percentages of minority attorneys overall, as well as in partner and leadership ranks. Collectively among the below firms, minority attorneys comprised 22.4% of lawyers and 13.6% of all partners in 2023. In terms of scores, the Nos. 1 and 2 firms maintained their standing from last year, though there was some reordering beyond that point.

*Note: The Women in Law Scorecard and LGBTQ+ Scorecard, traditionally published in tandem with the National Law Journal's NLJ 500 ranking of the largest firms by attorney headcount in the U.S., are being published for the first time this year as part of The American Lawyer's Diversity Scorecard—and going forward, all three scorecards will continue to be released annually as a single package.