The American Lawyer’s latest survey of summer associates includes responses from 3,603 summer associates at 142 firms. The uphot? Overall, summer associates were a contented group, and the happiest among them said they felt welcomed, engaged and well-guided on serious assignments from partners and senior associates.

Previous Summer Associates Survey coverage :: 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007


By MP McQueen
Kaye Scholer and Boston-based Choate Hall & Stewart tied for first place in summer associate satisfaction in the latest survey, while Orange County, California, ranked as the best place to work.
How top firms impressed their summer associates, by the numbers, nationwide. (This chart has been updated to correct a coding error. As a result, O’Melveny & Myers leaps to fourth place and Proskauer Rose moves up to 30th place. Those changes slightly altered the scores for other firms, too.)
A city-by-city view of how summer associates rated their experiences.