Foreign law firms continue to be attracted to Germany, the strongest economy in Europe. U.K. powerhouse Herbert Smith plans to open its own offices in the country next year after the end of its alliance with local firm Gleiss Lutz. Other British firms that have recently expanded in Germany include Berwin Leighton Paisner, Eversheds, and Pinsent Masons, as well as the U.S.’s Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan.

James Palmer, global head of Herbert Smith’s corporate practice, says his firm’s strategy changed from trying to merge with a German firm to setting up in the country on its own. “Our alliance with Gleiss Lutz worked well when first established over a decade ago, but our multinational clients were looking for a more integrated service,” says Palmer. “It became clear that Gleiss wished to retain their position as a leading independent firm in Germany, so we took steps, having given them the opportunity to integrate with us, to terminate the alliance and move ahead on our own.” Herbert Smith plans to open in Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, and Munich after its noncompete covenant with Gleiss Lutz expires in January 2013.

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