July 11, 2019 | Corporate Counsel
The 'Invisible Hand': Really Knowing Your Trial AttorneyDue diligence in hiring your trial attorney must go beyond the traditional methods. Let the candidate know that you require professionalism and courtesy at all times.
By Matthew S. Steinberg and Amy B. Alderfer
7 minute read
December 11, 2018 | Corporate Counsel
Keys to Creating a Successful Relationship With Outside CounselIn 2015 BTI Consulting estimated that 60 percent of legal decision-makers had replaced their primary firms in the prior 18 months and the number-one reason for doing so was that they believed they would get better service elsewhere.
By Amy B. Alderfer and Melinda Lackey
5 minute read
December 20, 2017 | The Recorder
California's Adult Use of Cannabis: Cutting Through the HazeAddressing some of the confusion surrounding California's Adult Use of Marijuana Act.
By Amy B. Alderfer
6 minute read