The 2023 Am Law 200

The Am Law 200 is the definitive ranking of the Second Hundred largest law firms in the United States by gross revenue. Published each June through the efforts of Compass and The American Lawyer editorial team, this report offers firm-by-firm data on key financial metrics and deep analysis of the cohort's performance and what it means for the rest of the market. Information includes an examination of revenue, profits, per-lawyer metrics, head count growth and much more.

In 2022, the Second Hundred delivered a much stronger performance than their Am Law 100 brethren, posting higher gains in certain categories and smaller losses in others. As we explore in this report, clients and talent alike are increasingly turning to the Second Hundred firms for their flexibility and stability. This group of firms is also on a growth path, regardless of market uncertainties, with geographic expansion a key focus as they look to capitalize on the benefits of secondary and tertiary markets. Our analysis also explores how long these firms can continue on this trajectory.

Below you will find our various rankings of The 2023 Am Law 200 along with several pieces of analysis of the market. The past three years of Am Law 200 reports can be found at the bottom of this page.

the 2023 am law 200 Insights & Analysis

May 23, 2023

The 2023 Am Law 200: By The Numbers

ALM Staff

A closer look at the numbers that mattered most for the Am Law 200—in visual form.

May 23, 2023

Smaller but Mightier: The 2023 Am Law 200 Outperforms Larger Firms

Patrick Smith

For the Am Law Second Hundred, 2022 was a great year. They are looking to continue that growth, but is their market-leading performance here to stay?

May 23, 2023

Despite Market Uncertainty, Am Law 200 Firms Are Poised for Growth

Andrew Maloney

Mergers, group hires and new office launches are all on the road map for Am Law 200 firms as they look to take advantage of opportunities in secondary and tertiary markets

May 23, 2023

Are Second Hundred Firms the New 100?

Justin Henry

Am Law 100 partners are defecting to Second Hundred firms for better business development opportunities, and their clients are on board.

Looking for older rankings?