December 29, 2010 | New York Law Journal
Appellate Division, Second Department Roundup 2009In conjunction with the launch of their new web page, A Gail Prudenti, Presiding Justice and Thomas A. Dickerson, Associate Justice of the Appellate Division, Second Department, reflect on their decisions of interest from 2009.
By A. Gail Prudenti and Thomas A. Dickerson
12 minute read
December 27, 2010 | New York Law Journal
Remembering Justice Steven W. Fisher: Hallmarks of 'Wisdom, Care, Skill'By Justice A. Gail Prudenti
5 minute read
September 18, 2009 | New York Law Journal
Appellate Division, Second Department, Roundup 2008A. Gail Prudenti, the Presiding Justice of the the Appellate Division, Second Department, and Thomas A. Dickerson, an Associate Justice of the court, announce a new Web site offering detailed summaries of many of the opinions emanating from the 4,700 dispositions which the court rendered in 2008.
By A. Gail Prudenti and Thomas A. Dickerson
13 minute read
May 02, 2011 | New York Law Journal
Principles Live On In New York CourtsI believe John Adams would be pleased to see that his aspirations and high ideals for the practice of law have not only survived, but have flourished, becoming bedrock principles in our legal system. At the Second Judicial Department, we regularly see the work of dedicated attorneys who, on a constant basis, defend and protect the core values of due process and the rights of the accused.
By A. Gail Prudenti
6 minute read
January 24, 2011 | New York Law Journal
Giving Voice to the VulnerableMany readers may not be familiar with the Mental Hygiene Legal Service, the oldest and most comprehensive legal advocacy program for mentally disabled people in the United States, and may not be aware that it is an arm of the unified court system. The members of the MHLS staff are truly among the unsung heroes of our court system.
By A. Gail PrudentiPresiding Justice, Appellate Division, Second Department
6 minute read
April 23, 2002 | New York Law Journal
Courts Provide Users With Practical ToolsACCESS TO JUSTICE has become the new catchword for the courts of New York. Our Chief Judge, Judith S. Kaye, has been spreading the message throughout the state of the importance of making the courts more accessible to all who seek our services. In addition, Governor George E. Pataki`s many diverse appointments of presiding and associate justices to the appellate divisions have provided unique opportunities for jurists sensitive to access to justice for all to bring new ideas, programs and initiatives to the
By A. Gail Prudenti
6 minute read
January 25, 2010 | New York Law Journal
Bringing Our Court Into the FutureThe Appellate Division, Second Judicial Department, has always tried to keep pace with the changes society has seen in the well over 100 years the court has existed, and is constantly adapting to the evolving pressures presented by the volume of appeals that pass through its doors. In the past eight years, we have made concerted efforts on several fronts in areas crucial to the operation of the court and the fulfillment of our mission to the public.
By A. Gail PrudentiPresiding Justice, Appellate Division, Second Department
7 minute read
February 20, 2008 | New York Law Journal
Risk of Delegating Bank, Bookkeeping ResponsibilitiesA. Gail Prudenti, the presiding justice of the Appellate Division, Second Department, writes that Lawyers' and law firms' trust and reliance vested in an independent bookkeeper or accounting service may provide a false sense of security if attorneys do not fully appreciate the importance of preserving the integrity of client funds. As supervision decreases or disappears, the risk to the funds on deposit and to the ethical liability of those in control escalates.
By A. Gail Prudenti
14 minute read
May 01, 2009 | New York Law Journal
Lincoln's Lessons For the JudiciaryThe problems facing Lincoln were unprecedented in the history of our country. By comparison, the tasks I encounter on a daily basis - building consensus and resolving problems confronted by judges and court staff - are less momentous. Nonetheless, Lincoln's approach to problem-solving has provided helpful guidance to me time and time again.
By A. Gail Prudenti
6 minute read
May 03, 2010 | New York Law Journal
Lawyer Ethics Guided By Core PrinciplesAs the modern practice of law continues to present new challenges, we must ensure that our system of lawyer regulation continues to adapt to the changing legal environment, while remaining faithful to our core principles: competence, loyalty, professional judgment, fairness to participants in the judicial process, and truthfulness in dealing with others.
By A. Gail PrudentiPresiding Justice, Appellate Division, Second Department
8 minute read
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