Adam L Rosman

Adam L Rosman

December 20, 2018 | Corporate Counsel

Consider Hiring Former Prosecutors for Nonlitigation In-House Jobs

What about hiring former prosecutors for nonlitigation roles, where sharp legal minds are needed for complex transactions? Can prosecutors adapt their litigation skills to help a company drive revenue? Absolutely.

By Emily R. Zerkel and Adam L. Rosman

6 minute read

May 29, 2009 | Legaltech News

A Modest Solution to E-Discovery Problems

An e-discovery crisis will lead to a sit-down between a GC and chief technology officer, but if a company is serious about dealing with EDD and record-management risk over the long term, an ad-hoc group dealing with the day's crisis doesn't work, says Adam L. Rosman, group deputy general counsel of Willis Group Holdings.

By Adam L. Rosman

9 minute read

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