Adam Leitman Bailey Dov Treiman

Adam Leitman Bailey Dov Treiman

October 08, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Avoiding Usury: Determining the Maximum Interest That Can Be Legally Charged

Adam Leitman Bailey, Dov Treiman, and Danny Ramrattan discuss the limited applicability of usury defenses. They write: "In all, this area of the law is deceptively simple and the resolution of any case will require a close examination of the intricacies of the particular matter."

By Adam Leitman Bailey, Dov Treiman and Danny Ramrattan

14 minute read

December 14, 2011 | New York Law Journal

Recording: The Boundaries of the Whole World

In their Title Litigation column, Adam Leitman Bailey, the founding partner of Adam Leitman Bailey, Dov Treiman, a partner at the firm, and Jackie Halpern Weinstein, an associate at the firm, examine a decision where the court endeavored to find some boundaries as to whom in the whole world can complain if the recording clerk records an instrument erroneously.

By Adam Leitman Bailey, Dov Treiman and Jackie Halpern Weinstein

10 minute read