Alana Petraske

Alana Petraske

March 02, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Reputation and the Nonprofit Director: Fiduciary Challenge in the 24-Hour News Era

In the current moment of high-publicity "tainted" donations, it is increasingly difficult for directors to balance attracting the financial support required to operate, on the one hand, with safeguarding the nonprofit's valuable reputation, on the other.

By Alana Petraske

9 minute read

July 25, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Global Tax Transparency and the Nonprofit sector

Following the financial crisis, a push towards global transparency has resulted in a revolution in cross-border exchange of tax information. Non-profit organizations are challenged daily, not only with navigating self-certification and registration under these regimes, but in some cases, have more onerous reporting obligations, often ill-suited to their nonprofit activities.

By Alana Petraske

9 minute read

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