Alberto Yohananoff

Alberto Yohananoff

April 14, 2020 | New York Law Journal

The Role of Mental Health Professionals in Hague Disputes

This article discusses how the use of forensic evaluators in Hague Convention cases differs from the use of forensic evaluators in custody cases where the evaluator is the court appointed neutral expert. It then focuses on the nuances related to one of the exceptions (or affirmative defense) in Hague cases.

By Alberto Yohananoff and Richard Min

8 minute read

April 13, 2020 | New York Law Journal

The Hague Convention and Its Grave Exceptions: An Overview

The role of forensic mental health experts in assessing the risks of harm associated with returning children to an environment of domestic abuse has become integral in Hague Convention cases.

By Richard Min and Alberto Yohananoff

8 minute read

January 11, 2018 | New York Law Journal

Case Tackles Agreements to Raise Children Under a Defined Religion: Part II

Alberto Yohananoff reviews, from a psychological perspective, the decision in 'Weisberger v. Weisberger', in which the Appellate Division modified a religious observance provision arising out of a Stipulation of Settlement and subsequent motion practice.

By Alberto Yohananoff

10 minute read

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