October 18, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer
Striking the Right Balance With Your Newfound AuthorityAs a grade “K-JD,” or someone who completed all schooling, from finger-painting to issue-spotting, with no gaps in between, graduating law school and entering the “real world” required many adjustments.
By Alexander V. Batoff
12 minute read
July 12, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer
Using Computer Savvy to Build Workplace RelationshipsThe legal profession has long been maligned as resistant to change, and there's truth to that stereotype—at least when it comes to technology. Whether working in government, public interest or private practice, horror stories abound of attorneys shackled to outmoded applications like Corel WordPerfect and Clinton administration-era editions of the Microsoft Office Suite.
By Alexander V. Batoff
11 minute read
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