Alka Bahal

Alka Bahal

December 05, 2013 | New Jersey Law Journal

Decisions Show a Trend in Lower Immigration Fines

The Chief Administrative Hearing Officer is severely reducing penalties assessed against employers by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

By Alka Bahal and Yalda Haery

10 minute read

July 22, 2010 | New Jersey Law Journal

Possibility of the E-Verify Program in New Jersey

Gov. Chris Christie has not spoken directly on the topic of E-Verify, but prior public statements indicate that he may have a more nuanced appreciation for the "immigration issue" than many of his colleagues. The New Jersey State Legislature and the Governor will have to carefully analyze the potential impact to the state as well as remain attuned to the federal government's activities in this area.

By Alka Bahal

8 minute read

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