Andrew Peck

Andrew Peck

January 05, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Lessons Learned From the Overuse of ESI Protocols

ESI protocols have become a Frankenstein monster of requirements that create obligations well beyond the Federal Rules of discovery, addressing a vast array of discovery topics including search terms, privilege logs and technology-assisted review. What lessons can we take away from the overuse of ESI protocols?

By David Kessler, Ellen Blanchard, Esther Clovis and Andrew Peck

10 minute read

August 08, 2022 | Legaltech News

California Bill Barring Privacy Protections in Litigation Would Have Significant, Negative Consequences

As a former federal magistrate judge and counsel representing clients in product liability and environmental matters in California courts, we have serious concerns about California's Senate Bill 1149.

By Andrew Peck, Chris Campbell, Leeanne Mancari and Christopher Young, DLA Piper

13 minute read

January 29, 2021 | New York Law Journal

Defensible Deletion: The Proof Is in the Planning

This article provides a framework for making defensible deletion an attainable goal. If the process has been well-planned, executed, and documented, the risk of sanctions for inadvertent spoliation of evidence is slight.

By Andrew Peck, Jennifer Feldman, Leeanne Mancari and Dennis Kiker

9 minute read

April 09, 2018 | New York Law Journal

Creating Cooperation in Discovery: Musings on Building Trust

Where parties cooperate, discovery disputes are limited, narrowed and, sometimes, even eliminated. Where parties do not cooperate, there are more disputes, they are uglier, and the costs escalate.

By Andrew Peck, Dawson Horn and David Kessler

7 minute read

October 01, 2011 | Legaltech News

Search, Forward

Will manual document review and keyword searches be replaced by computer-assisted coding?

By Andrew Peck

24 minute read

November 01, 2011 | Corporate Counsel

Hard To Predict

A federal magistrate wonders whether new e-discovery tools work.

By Andrew Peck

8 minute read

October 07, 2011 | New Jersey Law Journal

Search, Forward

Despite its flaws, many senior lawyers (and some clients) still consider manual review to be the "gold standard" against which other review techniques are compared.

By Andrew Peck

7 minute read