May 16, 2019 | Corporate Counsel
How Working on Your Health Makes You a Better BossAs corporate counsel, we are not only lawyers but also managers and leaders in a business. Businesses tend to be more successful when its employees are happy and effective.
By Angela Han
7 minute read
April 24, 2019 | Corporate Counsel
5 Simple Steps for Building a Lasting Habit for Corporate CounselAs corporate counsel, you make important decisions for your company each day. Your direction makes ideas into reality for your company. Your judgment moves mountains. Why not move mountains in your own daily life?
By Angela Han
7 minute read
April 05, 2019 | Corporate Counsel
A Morning Routine That Energizes You More Than Coffee for the DayAs corporate counsel, we are constantly asked to spend time for others in the company. When you arrive at the office in the morning, emails and documents have already piled up on your desk overnight, and there is already a line of people at the door.
By Angela Han
6 minute read
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