Angela Turturro

Angela Turturro

Angela Turturro is the Sections editor for the New York Law Journal and head of the Contributed Content desk for ALM.

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January 17, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Virtual Appearances and ADR in Trial Practice

Daniel G. Ecker, Chair of the Trial Lawyers Section, writes: In recognition of the critical importance of ADR to resolve cases and shrink the trial docket, NYSBA's Trial Lawyers Section, in conjunction with the TICL Section, has dedicated a substantial portion of our Jan. 19, 2023 CLE program at the NYSBA Annual Meeting to ADR.

By Daniel G. Ecker, Chair, Trial Lawyers Section

3 minute read

January 17, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Program Will Focus on Digital Asset Planning

Laurence Keiser, Chair of the Trusts & Estates Law Section, writes:

By Laurence Keiser, Chair, Trusts & Estates Law Section

3 minute read

January 17, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Minding the Gap

Sheryl B. Galler, Chair of the Women in Law Section, writes how the section's Annual Meeting programming will focus on the gender pay gap. Keynote speaker Emily Martin, vice president for education and workplace justice at the National Women's Law Center, will help identify new approaches in public policy that can help shift our culture around gender, pay and work.

By Sheryl B. Galler, Chair, Women in Law Section

3 minute read

January 17, 2023 | New York Law Journal

YLS Offers Numerous Avenues for Growth

Brandon Lee Wolff, Chair of the Young Lawyers Section, writes: Young lawyers should join NYSBA to take advantage of the opportunity to network with leaders from the New York legal community, attend top-notch CLE programs and be able to take on leadership roles within the organization.

By Brandon Lee Wolff, Chair, Young Lawyers Section

3 minute read

January 16, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

BAR REPORT - Jan. 16, 2023

This week's Capitol Report (NJSBA to argue for 'Daubert' standard for criminal cases; Civil arbitration program initial arbitrator training available at NJSBA); Civil arbitration program initial arbitrator training available at NJSBA; Dedicated to service: Get to know the NJSBA Pro Bono Award winners for 2022.

By New Jersey State Bar Association

11 minute read

January 16, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

Celebrating Korematsu Day in New Jersey

The first New Jersey state-wide celebration of Korematsu, civil liberties and the Constitution will take place on Jan. 30, 2023.

By Dean Rose Cuison-Villazor and Phil Tajitsu Nash

6 minute read

January 13, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Right To Seek Appropriate Post-Judgment Discovery From a Judgment Debtor's Lawyer Is Firmly Established

Respectfully, the 'Astraea' ruling is wrong and should not be followed.

By Bernard D'Orazio

3 minute read

January 13, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Court Reviews Fair Use Protection for Publishers Embedding Social Media Posts

On the one hand, the social media ecosystem generates a great deal of "newsworthy" content, which is a factor in determining whether use is permissible. On the other, the fact that content creators may retain an expected commercial interest in their posts may trigger enhanced Copyright protection. A recent case in the Southern District of New York analyzed those issues under the "fair use" doctrine.

By Stephen M. Kramarsky and John Millson

12 minute read

January 13, 2023 | New York Law Journal

The Governor—Not the State Senate—Appoints New York's Chief Judge

"I believe that those Senators who oppose Justice LaSalle and have attacked some members of the Court of Appeals as being "too conservative" have either been misled, do not apprehend the jurisdiction of the New York Court of Appeals, or don't ascribe to the fundamental foundation of our separation of powers that limits the arbitrary excesses of government and compels the need for an independent judiciary."

By Sol Wachtler

10 minute read

January 12, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

U.S. Department of Treasury Adopts Final Rule on Beneficial Ownership Reporting Requirements Under the Corporate Transparency Act

It is important that all reporting companies and their counsel begin to identify the parties about whom a filing must be made and to collect the necessary information on an ongoing basis to timely make required filings under the CTA.

By Lawrence A. Goldman and Wendy L. Hagen

19 minute read