September 07, 2010 | Legaltech News
JD Supra Links In Legal ContentJD Supra, a legal content syndicator, added a Legal Updates application to LinkedIn, reports attorney Ari Kaplan. The new application gives LinkedIn users access to lawyer-written articles and lends JD Supra's premium members a new channel to expose their expertise to potential clients.
By Ari Kaplan
6 minute read
June 14, 2007 | Legaltech News
A Data Discovery Department?The need for e-discovery processes and support to handle them cannot be disputed. Where the tension might arise is in more corporate counsel taking control of the e-discovery process as law firms continue staffing up for e-discovery.
By Ari Kaplan
7 minute read
January 17, 2007 |
Don't Break Your New Year's Resolutions on TechnologyNew Year's resolutions are often broken before the end of January. Attorney and writer Ari Kaplan hopes lawyers who resolved to become more tech-savvy in 2007 are better promise-keepers than that. As e-discovery issues loom large, one analyst notes "2007 will have to become the year when lawyers embrace technology." Noting three highlights from 2006 -- the year of the blog, the podcast and MySpace for law firms -- Kaplan gives good reason to turn to technology. Then, think about that gym membership.
By Ari Kaplan
5 minute read
December 11, 2009 |
Legal Training Looks at New Directions in Response to RecessionFor the eighth year in a row, members of the legal training and professional development community converged on Washington, D.C., this month for their annual pow-wow, the NALP Professional Development Institute. This year, the faltering economy created a greater sense of urgency among attendees. In contrast to prior years' gatherings, which often focused on improving the performance of individual lawyers, the guiding principle this year was industry transformation.
By Ari Kaplan
4 minute read
July 05, 2006 | National Law Journal
Lawyer-Bloggers: Fact or Fiction?Lawyer and columnist Ari Kaplan asks prominent bloggers who regularly spread the digital gospel why many lawyers -- particularly those at larger firms -- are reluctant to embrace the medium, and what's needed to fuel a stronger blogging trend among attorneys.
By Ari Kaplan
5 minute read
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