Bansri Mccarthy

Bansri Mccarthy

December 28, 2023 | The Legal Intelligencer

E-Discovery Issues and AI, Part 2: Is Your Company Using AI Intelligently?

Understanding the framework surrounding a company's AI model can help counsel develop a well-considered discovery plan once litigation is anticipated.

By Jennifer Mott Williams and Bansri McCarthy

12 minute read

November 06, 2023 | The Legal Intelligencer

Is Your Company Using Artificial Intelligence Intelligently?

In this installment of our ongoing series on e-discovery and information governance, we will delve into the world of AI and discuss how organizations can mitigate legal and compliance risks and maintain an evolving approach to an equally evolving technology.

By Jennifer Mott Williams and Bansri McCarthy

12 minute read

December 27, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

Privilege Logs: Strategy, Best Practices and Practical Advice

In this article, we provide an overview of the different types of privilege logs; lay out best practices for negotiating ESI or privilege-log protocols; discuss what to do if an ESI or privilege-log protocol has not been entered in a matter; consider practical uses of technology to generate privilege logs; and address the inadvertent production of a privileged document.

By Bansri McCarthy, Leonard Impagliazzo and Tara Lawler

13 minute read

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