Benjamin Dynkin Barry Dynkin

Benjamin Dynkin Barry Dynkin

October 27, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Data Integrity and Incident Response

What can companies do about integrity attacks? The answer is both simple and complex.

By Benjamin Dynkin, Barry Dynkin, and E.J. Hilbert

6 minute read

June 05, 2017 | New York Law Journal

Hacking Elections: An Act of War?

Benjamin Dynkin, Barry Dynkin and Daniel Garrie write: Whether an action amounts to an Act of War under the international law of cyber warfare is a complex, intricate, legal question with serious political and military implications. It is not a vague, abstruse general term that can be filled with any meaning that might be politically expedient.

By Benjamin Dynkin, Barry Dynkin and Daniel Garrie

9 minute read

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