Bennette D Kramer Jeffrey M Eilender John M Lundin Erik S Groothuis Elizabeth Wolstein Bradley J Nash Andrew S Harris

Bennette D Kramer Jeffrey M Eilender John M Lundin Erik S Groothuis Elizabeth Wolstein Bradley J Nash Andrew S Harris

January 16, 2015 |

Recent Development in New York Business Litigation

Recent developments in New York commercial law relating to the application of a marketability discount in valuing a business, when a law-firm's internal emails must be produced, and a rare vacature of an arbitral award.

By Bennette D. Kramer, Jeffrey M. Eilender, John M. Lundin, Erik S. Groothuis, Elizabeth Wolstein, Bradley J. Nash, Andrew S. Harris and Niall D. O'Murchadha

8 minute read

November 26, 2014 | Commercial Litigation Insider

Analysis of Case Disqualifying Plaintiffs' Counsel

On October 20, 2014, Justice Eileen Bransten of the New York County Commercial Division issued a decision in Anderson & Anderson LLP-Guangzhou v. North American Foreign Trading Corp., 2014 NY Slip Op. 51530(U), disqualifying plaintiffs' counsel under the attorney-witness rule and his firm under the former-client rule.

By Bennette D. Kramer, Jeffrey M. Eilender, John M. Lundin, Erik S. Groothuis, Elizabeth Wolstein, Bradley J. Nash, Andrew S. Harris and Niall D. O'Murchadha

3 minute read