January 05, 2021 | Law.com
For the New Year, Copy High Growth Firms By Prioritizing Marketing InvestmentIn the chaos of this past year, it is easy to lose sight of long-term priorities for the sake of addressing short-term crises. Firms must be cautious as they re-examine budget priorities to not underestimate the harm that can be caused by failing to consider the long-range damage that can be done to a firm's brand by cutting back too much on their marketing efforts.
By Bill Josten
7 minute read
January 17, 2019 | Law.com
The Confounding Paradox of Marketing Investment for Struggling Law Firms“You have to spend money to make money.” Or, so holds the well-worn cliché. For those firms struggling to find meaningful growth in today's market, where do they find the funds they need to spend in order to spur growth?
By Bill Josten
6 minute read
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