July 05, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer
Patents, Trade Secrets and Inevitable Disclosure DoctrineThroughout time industries have developed techniques and processes that are believed to be essential elements that contributed to the company's success. For almost as long, companies have sought and devised ways to protect those techniques and processes that constituted the company's intellectual property. Many companies turned to federal patent protection, others chose to treat the information as trade secrets and others chose to use contractual obligations to protect their intellectual property.
By Anthony S. Volpe and Bradley M. Brown
8 minute read
April 04, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer
What Originalist Viewpoints May Mean for Patent LawThe landscape for patent law has changed more quickly over the last five years than it had in preceding decades. The America Invents Act, which was enacted in September 2011, may be the most comprehensive and significant change to patent law in decades, and recent case law appears to be accelerating changes.
By Gerald B. Halt Jr. and Bradley M. Brown
16 minute read
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