brenda-sapino jeffreys

brenda-sapino jeffreys

December 22, 2003 | Texas Lawyer

The Impact Players of 2003

Michael Ramsey, Assistant U.S. Attorney Sharon Pierce, Joe Jamail, Donald Godwin and Mike Gruber, State Bar of Texas chief disciplinary counsel Dawn Miller, Jeff Blackburn and Mitchell Katine

By Brenda Sapino Jeffreys, Mary Alice Robbins, Miriam Rozen, John Council

44 minute read

June 16, 2008 | Texas Lawyer

Today Texas, Tomorrow the World

An analysis by Texas Lawyer, based on lawyer counts as of Jan. 1 at the 100 largest firms in the state, shows that 10 Texas-based firms now have 21 percent or more of their attorneys in offices outside the state. Dallas-based Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld — with 14 offices and 1,023 lawyers — leads the pack with 71 percent of its lawyers outside of Texas. Roughly 27 percent of Bracewell & Giuliani's 418 lawyers are in out-of-state offices, says Mark C. Evans (pictured), managing partner.

By Brenda Sapino Jeffreys and Miriam Rozen

31 minute read