Brett Carey

Brett Carey

July 05, 2022 | Daily Business Review

Courts Across the Country Say Physical Damages Are Required to Trigger Business Interruption Claims

Much has changed in the last two years. The proliferation of vaccines and new, life-saving treatments has allowed the world to emerge from the pandemic. In addition, courts are now overwhelmingly finding that COVID-19 business interruption claims are not covered, reasoning that "direct physical loss" means something more than economic loss.

By Brett Carey

5 minute read

December 04, 2019 | Daily Business Review

Florida House Bill 301 Brings Good News for Insurance Companies

For insurance companies doing business in the state, Florida House Bill 301 offers changes that should positively impact the bottom line. The changes relate to liability insurance, claims administration, civil remedies and property insurance claim mediatio

By Brett Carey

5 minute read