March 27, 2024 | The Legal Intelligencer
Changing Times: Finding a Trademark Offensive Now Off the TableWhile the USPTO is no longer allowed to be offended by these trademarks, it's not entirely clear how popular these marks and their associated goods and services might be in the marketplace.
By Bridget H. Labutta
6 minute read
September 26, 2023 | The Legal Intelligencer
Trademarks That Create a False AssociationAt the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, the trademark examining attorneys and administrative judges of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board are tasked with reviewing trademark applications to ensure that they are in good form and that the applied-for mark is eligible for federal trademark registration.
By Bridget H. Labutta
7 minute read
March 28, 2023 | The Legal Intelligencer
US Trademark Office Continues to Make Changes to Combat Bad Faith FilingsIn the United States, trademark rights can be claimed by the first entity to use a trademark— such as a word, phrase, logo, or combination thereof—to sell a particular product or to offer a particular service within a particular geographic area.
By Bridget H. Labutta
7 minute read
September 03, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer
How to Avoid the Simple Mistakes Young Lawyers MakeYou're coming to the end of your summer associate position and are hoping to make a good enough impression to be offered a permanent job. But you're not sure what the crusty old codger who has been at the helm of the firm since before you were born thinks of you.
By Bridget H. Labutta
6 minute read
September 02, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer
How to Avoid the Simple Mistakes Young Lawyers MakeYou're coming to the end of your summer associate position and are hoping to make a good enough impression to be offered a permanent job. But you're not sure what the crusty old codger who has been at the helm of the firm since before you were born thinks of you.
By Bridget H. Labutta
6 minute read