July 25, 2023 | The Legal Intelligencer
Strategies Parents Should Incorporate Into Their Estate Plans to Safeguard a Child's InheritancePlanning strategies that protect a child's inheritance from divorce should be incorporated into every parent's estate plan.
By Justin H. Brown and Brittany A. Yodis
9 minute read
May 03, 2023 | The Legal Intelligencer
International Income and Estate Tax Planning for Cross-Border ClientsThe United States has specific income tax rules for noncitizen nonresidents (NCNRs), and it has an entirely different estate and gift tax regime for NCNRs, creating traps for the unwary cross-border client.
By Justin H. Brown and Brittany A. Yodis
7 minute read
January 31, 2023 | The Legal Intelligencer
New Year, Fresh Start: Tax-Planning Tools for Fiduciary Income TaxAlthough last year has come to a close, fiduciaries still have some tools at their disposal that they can use to minimize last year's tax bill to estates, trusts and beneficiaries.
By Justin H. Brown and Brittany A. Yodis
8 minute read
December 29, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer
Estate Planning for the Entrepreneur and Business Owner: Planning Early and OftenEarly and often estate planning is essential for business owners and entrepreneurs. With proper planning, business owners and entrepreneurs can save themselves time and expense in the future, and position themselves for extraordinary success as their business grows.
By Justin H. Brown and Brittany A. Yodis
8 minute read
September 07, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer
Getting SECURE With Recent Changes in Retirement PlanningJust when planners began to feel more secure with the SECURE Act, on Feb. 23, the Internal Revenue Service issued proposed regulations that were aimed at clarifying the provisions of the SECURE Act but which surprised many planners with new interpretations of the SECURE Act.
By Justin H. Brown and Brittany A. Yodis
8 minute read
July 28, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer
Defying Gravity: Estate Planning in a High(er) Interest Rate EnvironmentAnyone who has ever taken a ride on a roller coaster knows that what goes up must come down. Gravity is the force that keeps us grounded and assures that nothing strays too far from earth. Interest rates, however, are not subject to the laws of gravity, and as inflation continues, interest rates will continue to defy gravity.
By Justin H. Brown and Brittany A. Yodis
8 minute read
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