November 16, 2022 | Daily Business Review
Biden Administration's Proposed New Independent-Contractor Test Can Impact Your Company's Bottom LineCompanies routinely use independent contractors for special projects and isolated assignments as a way to cut down on the normal costs connected to…
By Paul Lopez and Brittany Hynes
6 minute read
April 20, 2022 | Daily Business Review
Critical Drafting Considerations for LLC Members' Operating AgreementsIf an operating agreement is in place and not drafted correctly, the parties could inadvertently broaden this narrow exception under Florida law and create avenues for direct claims by and between one another which are not generally available to them under he Florida Revised Limited Liability Company Act (the Revised LLC Act).
By Paul O. Lopez and Brittany Hynes
7 minute read
November 24, 2020 | Daily Business Review
Lifetime Memberships May Not Be for Life if Bankruptcy IntervenesWith the proliferation of bankruptcy proceedings for country clubs, golf clubs, health clubs, many "members" who were enticed into what appeared to be attractive packages for so-called lifetime memberships may be sorely dismayed when they learn that an intervening bankruptcy proceeding may wipe out their so-called lifetime membership benefits.
By Charles Tatelbaum, Christina Paradowski and Brittany Hynes
4 minute read
April 14, 2020 | Daily Business Review
New Ruling Ratified a Far-Reaching Definition of 'Debt Collector' Under the FDCPAThis ruling is significant for not only debt purchasers, but also for secured lenders that take over accounts receivable from a defaulting borrower and then outsource the collection efforts.
By Charles Tatelbaum and Brittany Hynes
6 minute read
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