December 16, 1999 |
Fighting the Good FightThe second in a projected trilogy, "Pillar of Fire" by Taylor Branch is a deft, moving, yet low-octave account of the American civil rights struggle from 1963 to 1965.
By Bruce Fein
7 minute read
September 08, 2004 |
D.C. Circuit Upended Telecom PrecedentsWhen the Office of the Solicitor General and the FCC declined to seek Supreme Court review of a federal appellate court decision that threatens to thwart telecom competition at a staggering cost to the economy, it constituted an unelaborated and unpersuasive U-turn from previous legal positions, says lawyer Bruce Fein. The justices, he adds, should therefore abandon their customary deference to the federal government in determining which cases make it onto the high court's docket.
By Bruce Fein
9 minute read
December 13, 2004 | Texas Lawyer
Boies' LifeIn "Courting Justice," David Boies has written a mercury-footed and engaging chronicle of the landmark cases in his career. But Boies disappoints in a tendentious recounting and appraisal of Bush v. Gore, which he likens to Dred Scott v. Sanford and Plessy v. Ferguson. His towering talents are worthy of much better.
By Bruce Fein
9 minute read
June 29, 2000 |
Legitimate Criticism Gone AwrySome things worth saying about prosecutorial and sister government abuses are said in "The Tyranny of Good Intentions," by Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton. But mostly they are lost amidst a sea of outlandish braying against the administration of justice.
By Bruce Fein
4 minute read
August 29, 2005 |
When the Court Struck OutFor nearly a century, Major League Baseball has been comfortably shielded by a Supreme Court-granted exemption from the antitrust laws. Now would be an excellent time for the Supreme Court to finally reverse its 83-year sop to professional baseball, says Bruce Fein, a constitutional lawyer and international consultant.
By Bruce Fein
10 minute read
August 26, 2005 |
When the Supreme Court Struck OutNow would be an excellent time for the Supreme Court to finally reverse its 83-year sop to professional baseball.
By Bruce Fein
10 minute read
September 16, 2002 | National Law Journal
Murder Most FoulA review of "A Problem From Hell: America and the Age of Genocide" by Samantha Power
By Bruce Fein
10 minute read
January 03, 2005 |
This Boies' LifeIn "Courting Justice," superlawyer David Boies has written an engaging chronicle of the landmark cases in his career, says our reviewer. The prose is lucid and approachable, eschewing the sophomoric, the esoteric and the falsely modest. But Boies disappoints in a partisan appraisal of Bush v. Gore, which he likens to Dred Scott v. Sanford and Plessy v. Ferguson. His talents are worthy of much better.
By Bruce Fein
9 minute read
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