Bryance Metheny

Bryance Metheny

March 07, 2017 | Law Journal Newsletters

Using Background Checks to Hire and Retain Employees

The ability to hire and retain a competent, responsible workforce distinguishes the great human resources managers from the merely mediocre ones. Retention is highly valued in most successful businesses because hiring on limited information often comes down to more luck than skill, and nobody wants to engage in hiring more often than absolutely necessary.

By Bryance Metheny

9 minute read

June 17, 2013 | Inside Counsel

Labor: Staying sharp with regular handbook review

Everyone wants to know the rules.

By Bryance Metheny

4 minute read

May 06, 2013 | Inside Counsel

Labor: The NLRB will not be ignored

For most employers, unless the workforce was already unionized or unionization was an imminent or constant threat, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) traditionally had little impact on day-to-day operations or planning.

By Bryance Metheny

7 minute read

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