Charles H Wilson

Charles H Wilson

May 04, 2016 | Texas Lawyer

What Would A Justice Garland Mean for Employers? Recent Cases Reveal a Mixed Bag

A review of Chief Judge Garland's recent opinions in labor and employment cases reveals a mixed bag, with the judge ruling against the employer in most cases.

By Charles H. Wilson

10 minute read

April 02, 2012 | Texas Lawyer

What to Do When OSHA Is at the Plant Gate

Under President Barack Obama's administration, employers face a reinvigorated Occupational Safety and Health Administration, write Charles H. Wilson and Andrew J. Rolfes. In-house counsel must ensure that his or her company is prepared for an OSHA inspection and that employees know what steps to follow when a compliance officer shows up at the plant gate.

By Charles H. Wilson and Andrew J. Rolfes

6 minute read

November 02, 2009 | Texas Lawyer

OMG — He TXTD What? The Pitfalls of Investigating Harassment By Text Messages

Imagine a supervisor making an inappropriate remark to one of his direct reports in an after-hours conversation. If he made the comment verbally, and the employee then reported it to the supervisor's employer, any resulting litigation would have involved the usual "he said, she said" situation, in which lawyers would have challenged the employee's credibility.

By Charles H. Wilson

6 minute read

November 03, 2009 | Legaltech News

Trouble Investigating 'Textual Harassment'

Harassment by text message -- or "textual harassment" -- is becoming more prevalent. Besides the duties involved when investigating a claim of textual harassment, in-house counsel need to be aware of hidden dangers in trying to retrieve text messages as part of an investigation.

By Charles H. Wilson

6 minute read