Chris Meuse

Chris Meuse

June 10, 2019 | Texas Lawyer

Medical Marijuana and Child Custody

If Texas legalizes marijuana, courts and family law practitioners should not presume parents are negligent or endangering their child if they are consuming marijuana as authorized.

By Chris Meuse

5 minute read

May 01, 2014 | New Jersey Law Journal

Digging up Digital Dirt in Family Law

Why some level of electronic discovery is imperative in family law suits, and how to carry it out.

By Chris Meuse

5 minute read

April 21, 2014 | Texas Lawyer

Digging up Digital Dirt in Family Law

As people rely more and more on mobile phones for everything from taking photos and videos to emailing and texting to online and mobile dating, mobile phones become an ever more valued source for e-discovery in family law suits.

By Chris Meuse

5 minute read