Christopher Harris

Christopher Harris

September 21, 2018 | New York Law Journal

Legal Privilege Pitfalls and Perils in Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can considerably complicate the evaluation of legal privilege, due to the presence of shifting corporate control, parties with rapidly changing stakes, and fiduciary duties owed to multiple entities with differing interests.

By Christopher Harris and Kristof Szoke

8 minute read

April 04, 2018 | New York Law Journal

Safe Harbor After 'Merit Management'

In 'Merit Management Group v. FTI Consulting', the Supreme Court settled a circuit split over whether the Bankruptcy Code §546(e) safe harbor applies when the only covered entity involved in the challenged transaction was an “intermediary,” i.e., was involved in a “component part” of the transaction, but was not the initial transferor or the ultimate transferee

By Christopher Harris and Kevin Mallen

7 minute read

December 19, 2017 | New York Law Journal

Commercial Division Rules Poised for Additional Business-Oriented Changes

Christopher Harris, Jonathan Lippman, Gregory Mortenson and Nicole Valco provide an overview of the recent and potential additional rule changes in the Commercial Division, how they complement previous changes, and how they further the Commercial Division's aim of providing an attractive and hospitable forum for the fair and timely resolution of complicated commercial disputes from around the globe.

By Christopher Harris, Jonathan Lippman, Gregory Mortenson and Nicole Valco

8 minute read

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