Christopher John Stracco

Christopher John Stracco

July 29, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal

Appellate Division Clarifies Standard for Property Nuisance Claims

For a property owner to be liable under a common law nuisance theory, he must have taken some affirmative action, changing a "natural" characteristic to an "artificial" one.

By Christopher John Stracco, Katharine A. Coffey and Jennifer Gorga Capone

14 minute read

April 23, 2015 | New Jersey Law Journal

Wireless Approvals Become Streamlined

An FCC 2014 order significantly improves a wireless applicant's ability to obtain approval for a new tower or collocation on an existing one.

By Christopher John Stracco and Evan Marc Lazerowitz

9 minute read

April 23, 2015 | New Jersey Law Journal

Wireless Approvals Become Streamlined

An FCC 2014 order significantly improves a wireless applicant's ability to obtain approval for a new tower or collocation on an existing one.

By Christopher John Stracco and Evan Marc Lazerowitz

9 minute read

July 11, 2005 | New Jersey Law Journal

Property Tax Reform: Be Careful What You Ask For

To be legitimate, any new tax regimen would have to completely eliminate the property tax, redress its regressive nature and preserve home rule. A local income tax might accomplish just that.

By Christopher John Stracco

4 minute read

February 27, 2006 | New Jersey Law Journal

Something's Got To Go in Tax Brouhaha

In the controversy over the property tax, N.J. can't keep rebates and preserve home rule and maintain services at current levels.

By Christopher John Stracco

4 minute read

October 09, 2013 | New Jersey Law Journal

Thanks to Dunes Case, Compensation for Partial Takings Will Likely Go Down

How much is an ocean view worth, compared to the protection offered by dunes?

By Christopher John Stracco and Brian Disler

8 minute read

October 23, 2006 | New Jersey Law Journal

Tackling Property Tax Reform

The Legislature established four committees to address the issue of property tax reform. The committees have been given a November 15 deadline to present recommendations and findings to Governor Corzine.

By Christopher John Stracco

9 minute read

February 01, 2008 | New Jersey Law Journal

Repercussions of the Reduced Property Tax

New Jersey has, for the short term, reduced property taxes for some residents. The bottom line is that tax reform changes the tax environment in New Jersey little, and if anything, absent other action, will likely lead to increased taxes in the future for both businesses and residents.

By Christopher John Stracco

5 minute read