Christopher Marzzacco

Christopher Marzzacco

October 12, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer

Highly Automated Vehicles in Pa.: Where Are We and Where Are We Headed?

The evolution of the automotive industry in the United States continues, changing from traditional to “highly automated” vehicles (HAVs).

By Christopher Marzzacco

15 minute read

July 07, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

Issues Affecting Distracted-Driving Motor Vehicle Litigation

Why do motor vehicle crashes ­happen? Well, motor vehicle crash litigators will tell you that most crashes are caused by some type of driver distraction. So, from a litigator's point of view, it seems like everyone's ­driving distracted and these distractions cause serious damage.

By Christopher Marzzacco

14 minute read

January 09, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer

Ethical Pitfalls for Lawyers to Avoid in Personal Injury Cases

Lawyers representing clients in personal injury claims face numerous ethical pitfalls every time they look for, evaluate, accept and handle a new case. Nonetheless, honesty, common sense and a solid understanding of the Rules of Professional Conduct should protect most of us from making mistakes.

By Christopher Marzzacco

7 minute read

January 08, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer

Ethical Pitfalls for Lawyers to Avoid in Personal Injury Cases

Lawyers representing clients in personal injury claims face numerous ethical pitfalls every time they look for, evaluate, accept and handle a new case. Nonetheless, honesty, common sense and a solid understanding of the Rules of Professional Conduct should protect most of us from making mistakes.

By Christopher Marzzacco

7 minute read

March 08, 2013 | The Legal Intelligencer

Keeping Clients Happy Under the Rules and in the Real World

Want to make a relationship work? It doesn't matter what type — a marriage, friendship, family or business arrangement — in any relationship, the parties need to understand and appreciate each other's expectations, they need to communicate effectively and they need to work diligently toward a common goal.

By Christopher Marzzacco

6 minute read

August 09, 2013 | The Legal Intelligencer

Premises Liability Claims That Occur on Recreational Areas

Summertime. Time to watch a ballgame, take a walk in the park or a swim in the lake. Most of these activities can be enjoyed on public parks and on public lands. Unfortunately, sometimes visitors to these areas suffer injuries while engaging in these common summertime activities. If an injury was caused by a dangerous condition on the property, how does an injured victim overcome sovereign, local and the recreational use of land and water immunities afforded governmental entities to successfully make a claim for damages? If injured on property owned by a local or state agency, proving negligence and recovering damages is truly an uphill battle.

By Christopher Marzzacco

11 minute read

September 07, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer

Talking 'Tort Reform' to the Public as Trial Lawyers

As trial lawyers, we are constantly bombarded with cries for "tort reform" from politicians, mega-corporations and insurance companies each and every day.

By Christopher Marzzacco

7 minute read