July 03, 2023 | New York Law Journal
If You Think It 'Thinks,' Think AgainThree columnists analyze a recent, groundbreaking sanctions order from a Southern District of New York judge against an attorney who admitted to using fake citations generated by ChatGPT in a court filing.
By Roland Trope, Candace Jones and Claudia Ray
11 minute read
April 15, 2008 | New York Law Journal
'Rescuecom v. Google': Second Circuit on Keyword IssueClaudia Ray, a partner at O'Melveny & Myers, and Brendan T. Kehoe, an associate at the firm write that one issue in cases dealing with keywords is the question of whether Internet search engines such as Google "use" trademarks under the meaning of the Lanham Act when they sell keyword trademarks to advertisers - like the marks "American Airlines" and "Rescuecom," as alleged in two pending suits against Google - such that they are potentially liable for trademark infringement.
By Claudia Ray and Brendan T. Kehoe
13 minute read
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