Commentary By Walter J Andrews

Commentary By Walter J Andrews

September 12, 2017 | Daily Business Review

The First 60 Days Post-Irma Are Critical to Your Insurance Recovery

Now, after Hurricane Irma, the cleanup—and the insurance claims process—begins. The first 30 to 60 days post-storm are critical in ensuring coverage for your property damage and business interruption losses after the storm. Below, we first provide a checklist to guide both commercial and individual insureds in the first few weeks after the storm. Then, we address the key commercial coverages that business insureds may have to help them recover from lost business income post-storm, write Walter J. Andrews and Andrea DeField.

By Commentary by Walter J. Andrews and Andrea DeField

14 minute read

September 06, 2017 | Daily Business Review

Harvey Reminds South Florida to Review Insurance Coverage Before Irma

With damage and lost income estimates running into the billions, Hurricane Harvey serves as a staunch reminder for South Florida individual and commercial policyholders. Insureds should review their insurance policies now to determine whether they have adequate insurance coverage in place in preparation for Hurricane Irma—a storm the National Hurricane Center calls a "potentially catastrophic Category 5 hurricane," write Walter J. Andrews and Andrea DeField.

By Commentary by Walter J. Andrews and Andrea DeField

5 minute read

August 02, 2017 | Daily Business Review

Ransomware Attacks Highlight Need for Cyberinsurance Coverage

A ransomware attack, like the Petya and WannaCry attacks, disables the user's computer system and all its data. A note in a text file then appears stating that in order to unlock the computer and access its data, a ransom must be paid, typically in the form of Bitcoin. The hackers threaten to delete all data on the computer system if payment is not sent, write Walter J. Andrews and Katherine E. Miller.

By Commentary by Walter J. Andrews and Katherine E. Miller

4 minute read

December 15, 2016 | Daily Business Review

With Zika in South Florida, Questions Remain About How Insurance Can Help

Attorneys Walter J. Andrews, Michael Levine and Andrea DeField offer 10 questions for businesses assessing their commercial insurance policies against the backdrop of the Zika virus.

By Commentary by Walter J. Andrews, Michael Levine and Andrea DeField

8 minute read

October 07, 2016 | Daily Business Review

After Matthew, The Insurance Storm Begins

Hurricane losses can be substantial, so insurance policy holders need to make sure they get the full benefits of their coverage, write attorneys Walter J. Andrews, Michael S. Levine and Andrea L. DeField.

By Commentary by Walter J. Andrews, Michael S. Levine and Andrea L. DeField

9 minute read