December 16, 2004 | New York Law Journal
Elder LawDaniel G. Fish, a member of Freedman and Fish, writes that one of the greatest fears of old age is being forced to leave one's home for a nursing home. Most seniors wish to remain in familiar surroundings and are intensely afraid of institutionalization.
By Daniel G. Fish
9 minute read
March 07, 2002 | New York Law Journal
Power of Attorney Is a Critical ToolTHE DURABLE power of attorney is regrettably unappreciated and undervalued by most lawyers. This attitude can be measured by comparing the time spent drafting the power of attorney and the time spent drafting a will or trust. Attorneys should expend as much time and effort in preparing the power of attorney as they put into the client`s last will and testament or trust agreement.
By Daniel G. Fish
11 minute read
February 25, 2011 | New York Law Journal
Does the Fifth Amendment Apply In Guardianship Proceedings?In his Elder Law column, Daniel G. Fish, a principal in Daniel G. Fish LLC, writes that dichotomy of a statute at war with itself inherent in Mental Hygience Law Article 81 is most clearly illustrated by the question of whether the object of a guardianship proceeding can be required to testify against himself or herself.
By Daniel G. Fish
6 minute read
September 10, 2009 | New York Law Journal
Elder LawDaniel G. Fish, a principal in Daniel G. Fish LLC, writes that the demographic imperative of the aging population is having a profound effect upon many diverse areas of the law. Caregiving, he notes, is an example of an elder law topic that is now being recognized by other lawyers, with an estimated 1.4 million nursing home residents and six million elderly receiving care at home.
By Daniel G. Fish
7 minute read
November 19, 2010 | New York Law Journal
'Deanna W.': Intersection of Medicaid and GuardianshipIn his Elder Law column, Daniel G. Fish advises attorneys preparing petitions in guardianship matters to take the Deanna W. decision into account in low asset cases where there may not be sufficient income to pay the ongoing costs.
By Daniel G. Fish
7 minute read