David C Miller

David C Miller

June 16, 2020 | Daily Business Review

Supreme Court Decision a Threefold Surprise: Outcome, Author and Argument

The conservative-majority Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the U.S. Civil Rights Act's ban on sex discrimination includes discrimination based on sexual orientation and transgender status.

By David C. Miller

5 minute read

March 16, 2020 | Daily Business Review

'Virus Harassment': In the Workplace, It's Not Just COVID-19 You Have to Worry About

What's going on here? Panic. What does that mean for employers? Bring it under control or bring on the lawyers, because you could end up in court.

By David C. Miller

5 minute read

September 24, 2019 | Daily Business Review

Happy New Year — See You at the Pay Window or See You in Court

Come New Year's Day, some employees are getting a raise, some will start taking home overtime, and others will be taking the boss to court. Any way you slice this, employers will be footing the bill.

By David C. Miller

5 minute read

March 12, 2019 | Daily Business Review

Employers Sharpening Their Spreadsheets to React to Proposed Overtime Rule

Employers are dusting off payroll spreadsheets from 2016 in response to the Department of Labor's release last week of a revised rule on how to figure out who has to be paid overtime.

By David C. Miller

5 minute read

November 29, 2018 | Daily Business Review

Clickbait—or Caught in the Trap? When Social Media Posts Go Wrong

We all live in a social media world now where self-worth may derive from likes and shares and clicks. For journalists, it ascends to a whole other level. Nowadays, journalists are required to post and they are evaluated on the number of views their articles and postings get.

By David C. Miller

5 minute read

October 12, 2017 | Law.com

Employees Who Work on Vacation May Not Be Doing Employer Any Favors

For today's U.S. workers, very often, a long-awaited vacation tends to become a “workation.” Although they have every intention of relaxing and enjoying their time away, many workers can't resist the temptation to check their email, write that report, or answer work-related phone calls while on vacation.

By Commentary by David C. Miller

4 minute read

October 01, 2007 | National Law Journal

Work-life balance wins legal support

"Family responsibilities discrimination" has � up to now � been little more than a buzz phrase used by HR types at mixers. But some recent state laws and a Supreme Court decision, along with new guidelines from the EEOC, may elevate the idea from cocktail conversation to legislative reality.

By Denise M. Heekin and David C. Miller / Special to The National Law Journal

12 minute read