David Mcveigh

David Mcveigh

April 03, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

Trying to Control Legal Spend? Beware Budgeting Buckets

When GCs can't 'staff up' for more support, they 'send out.' The question is: Can they send out, get more, and still somehow pay less? (Hint: Not with Legal's current budgeting structure.)

By David McVeigh

6 minute read

December 14, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

Enough is Enough: 5 Reasons Why 2023 Will Be Legal's Tipping Point

We're entering the 'shame on me stage,' or as I prefer to call it, the 'enough is enough' era. For years, in-house legal leaders have begrudgingly stomached increasing law firm billing rates, even as they have watched their own budgets ebb and flow according to marketplace volatility (with more ebbing than flowing).

By David McVeigh

7 minute read

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